本簽署目的在鄭重要求:聯合國國際標準組織(ISO)將台灣列為「中國.台灣省」更正成為「台灣」!呼籲全世界 認同自由民主國家"台灣"主權的人士,共同參與全球網路連署,藉此向國際社會宣示我們的國家完整主權, 絕非鄰國的中華人民共合國的任何轄區的省份之一! 讓全世界端正視聽並且尊重我們國家真實存在的事實。不要再將錯就錯 委屈台灣國民~ 打開網頁填寫左側的姓名、email、地址、城市、國家(當然勾選Taiwan)、Post Code(郵遞區號),缺一不可,填好後就直接按那個紅色( Sign),完成。
MY COUNTRY TAIWAN IS NOT A PROVINCE OF CHINA~以下是英文信 可供您轉傳給世界的每個角落~請點入網址 進行全球簽署 最好多多益善
Dear Friends,
We just created a petition: ISO: Change the country name for "TAIWAN,province of china" into simply "TAIWAN", because I care deeply about this very important issue.⋯⋯ I'm trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
http://www.change.org/petitions/iso-change-the- country-name-for-taiwan- province-of-china-into-simply- taiwan?share_id=qZSXljBYJN&pe= d2e
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
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